
Showing posts from April 14, 2020

DURING LOCKDOWN; see the incapability or selfishness of our government

Dear *FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA*🇳🇬 Please with all due respect and humility, I cry out most especially for the *"weak & voiceless"* citizens of Nigeria. Please stop treating your own brothers & sisters like *"animals"*. Hate speech or no hate speech law my foot. Do you expect us to die in silence & unnecessary oppression? If we must emulate the same measures of *"STAY HOME, STAY SAFE"* just like the other countries of the world, please let's emulate it in total completion. ✔Before the United States declared a national lockdown, they gave all their citizens $1000 (One thousand dollars) each, & made sure everyone had food at home to eat. ✔Canada distributed money & enough food items to all her citizens & also cancelled all rents & bills payment till further notice. ✔President Putin of Russia since lockdown had made sure that every citizen is supplied with food from house to house, plus other financial benefits