10 Quality Of A Good Woman, If You See Any Of Them In Your Girlfriend, Know She Is The Right One


Finding a lasting love and a woman you want to spend the rest of your life with is the most dicey moment in a man's life and deciding factor is govern by the qualities you see in her.

There are some qualities of a good woman i would love to share with you so that you can keep an eye out of these ten (10) qualities while dating her.

1. She sees Herself In Your Future, Then She Is A Good Woman:

There is no doubt that some girls date for fun and may still be in your life because of what they are gaining from you. If she sees herself in your future by always asking you how your lives will be twenty (20) years from now, know that she is the right woman for you.

2. She is Supportive In All Ramifications

Imagine you are broke (but God forbid) and you tell the girl you are dating. A good woman will support you within her power financially and also cheer you up. A good woman will also support you with ideas to execute your short and long term plans.

3. She Communicate With you

A lady who loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you will always be happy to hear from you. A good woman knows the importance of uninterruption communication in every relationship/marriage, so she is ever ready to call you when she hasn't seen you for a while, or to come to your place when she misses you.

4. She is Humble And Down To Earth

No man wants to marry a woman with pride, because she might lift herself above her husband and claim some of his responsibilities. A good woman is always humble and down to earth, she respects your decisions and never force you to expect hers.

5. She Is Kind With A Show Of Empathy

A good woman knows how to enter into people's feelings; she puts herself in your shoe and empathize with you. She is also kind and compassionate and will stay by you when your chips are down

6. She Accept Your Flaws

There is no perfect human being on earth. A good woman knows she is imperfect and is ready to accept others with their imperfection. She will not act as though she wants to change you to suit her taste, but will rather accepts you the way you are.

7. She Sees Greatness In You When Others Don't

A good woman will never compare you with other men. She sees greatness in you and speak positive things into your life. She has a mental picture of you in the future basking in greatness.

8. She Apologizes When She Offends You

Saying 'I am sorry' is very easy for some to say, whiles for others it is very difficult.

9. She Respect Your Friends

One thing you cant hide for long is your character. If it is good or awful, it will show by your actions. A lady that respects your friends will also respect your parents when she gets to know them.

10. She Is Independent

No man wants to marry a liability. The fact it is the sole duty of a man to take care off his girlfriend/wife does not mean she cant do some stuff all by herself. If you give her money and she says keep it, i have some to spend, she might just be the right one for you.

(am expecting to see yours opinion in the comment section)


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